Iced Americano$10.25
Here is a short description for the first item. Wave Cafe Template is provided by Tooplate.

Iced Cappuccino$12.50
Here is a list of 4 items or add more. You can use this template for commercial purposes.

Iced Espresso$14.25
You are not permitted to redistribute this template ZIP file on any other template websites.

Iced Latte$11.50
Contents are organized into 3 tabs. Please contact Tooplate if you have anything to ask.

Hot Americano$8.50
Here is a short description for the item along with a squared thumbnail.

Hot Cappuccino$9.50
Here is a list of 4 items that can add more as you need. Only content area will be scrolling.

Hot Espresso$7.50
Left side logo and main menu are fixed. The video background is fixed.

Hot Latte$6.50
Page contents are organized into 3 tabs to show different lists of items.

Strawberry Smoothie$12.50
Here is a short description for the item along with a squared thumbnail.

Red Berry Smoothie$14.50
Here is a list of 4 items or add more. You can use this template for commercial purposes.

Pineapple Smoothie$16.50
Left side logo and main menu are fixed. The video background is fixed.

Spinach Smoothie$18.50
You are not allowed to redistribute the template ZIP file on other template sites.